Why the Renaissance atheist current doesn’t apply to pagan religions

I don’t really want to take this subject out for drinks, take it back to my place for the night and never call again. But in between this and the next date, some time must be taken to make sure we’re serious about each other. And the introductory date doesn’t need to last for years so a brief post should be enough. I’m using this metaphor because breaching philosophical subjects in a brief manner is one of the things I tend to hate. This pop sensibility has dumbed down every subject that the time to get acquainted with lasts longer than the average -modern- attention span, made people think they’re experts on matters that they’re not and eventually made them think they can form opinions based on abstracts and 0% fat approximations of all sorts of areas of knowledge.

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Do you want to share something about godspouses? Go ahead.

From all my posts so far, one of the most popular seems to be the one on godspouses. I don’t know if I should be happy or sad or indifferent about that little fact. As far as I know, no one has attempted to contact me to either agree or disagree or to take up my little challenge and ask the supposed Gods they talk to what my name is and e-mail it to me -in Greek letters please. While I don’t know when and if I’ll find the time to finish up with the intended series, I’ll take some time to very briefly discuss some thoughts.

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Witches going to witchwar against Boko Haram: Not exactly a cunning plan

I’ve been reading some completely ridiculous shit on various blogs lately that made me rethink how misguided certain Greek -meaning nationals- Polytheists are. Turns out, foreigners are just as misguided. I guess that’s good because it helps me cast off this impression I’ve had that we’re especially bad when it comes to attaching completely irrational crap to the Greek Religion. Nope, actually we’re not. But I wasn’t so negatively surprised by polytheists this time. It was witches.

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“Godspouses” part I: Why they made me change my views on “cultural appropriation”

My first plan was to make one single post that contains everything I have to say on the subject. After I reached five thousand words and read back on what I had already written, I decided that it was too abrasive and hostile. Not that it is inexcusable to be abrasive and hostile about this subject but I try to let passions cool down before I put them out here in a permanent form for everyone to read. Writing an angry post is like yelling obscenities at someone and having your yell echo again and again forever. I can be critical and actually offended without turning my posts to weapons of mass destruction. At least I hope I can.

In any case, besides trying to tone down the anger, I’ve also decided to split my posts on this subject and make a series out of it. Depending on how it goes, I may or may not conclude the series. I’m getting the hunch that I’ll simply be attacked by godspouses and their advocates, they will manage to make me angry and my posts will end up becoming what I was trying to avoid. Whatever. Let’s see if the modern international pagan movement has any capacity for self-reflection and self-correction or it simply tries to eat all its critics like all other movements and currents.

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