Some men just want to watch the world burn II: Who’s world is that world?

Sometimes, one of the key reasons I write a short post is to unload some frustration with something. It’s cathartic and it also serves as a way to get rid of some of the hundreds of tabs I invariably have open in my browser. I always want to somehow note down things for future reference but even short notes would tend to take more time than it takes me to find new things to note down. But sometimes, to separate the end result of being frustrated from the reasons this frustration is caused is very much like separating the entire timeline of the life, growth and harvest of living things, and their careful preparation in a specific manner from the conclusion, finished food. By knowing the ingredients of a recipe, you can make adjustments and create something different, better or worse it doesn’t matter, but different. So I’ll attempt to retrospectively go over some of the reasons why I wrote my last post in the manner that I have and I’m sure I’ll forget to include the majority of them. L’esprit de l’escalier happens even in writing but ars longa et vita brevis est, to quote Hippocrates in Latin and yeah, I suppose some people will think I’m pretentious but I grew up reading all sorts of Enlightenment authors so fuck this era and its aversion to intertextual flourishes.

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The “Wiccan Teen Witch” stereotype

I was planning to write about this within a more extensive post regarding Wicca but I’ve decided that the subject isn’t so much religious or occult as it is social. I’m sure others who are far closer to this pagan current have written about it extensively. I’d like to write about it as someone outside of Wicca, critical of Wicca but sympathetic to the practitioners, especially the ones that are just starting out or are in a vulnerable period of their lives. I wouldn’t think that I’d approach the subject with any urgency but seeing how certain hipster pagans have been underhandedly using this stereotype to define themselves as everything that a teen witch is not, it seemed far more important to write about it right now and leave a more general critique of Wicca for a later time. This post however isn’t meant to be a critique but a defence of those who practice the Craft and a call for some more fucking respect.

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